The Transatlantic
Walt Whitman Association
the start of the twentieth century, a group of eminent Europeans
sought “to found in Europe an organization . . . [to] assemble
all the European admirers of [Walt Whitman] and propagate his works.”
A century later, The Transatlantic Walt Whitman Association believes
that Whitman remains a crucial figure for remembering and re-imagining
the literary, critical, and political roles that poetry plays in
the world. The Association explores and fosters the artistic, democratic,
and intercultural vision of Walt Whitman in the context of the need
for improved European and transatlantic cooperation.
The Transatlantic Walt Whitman Association seeks to:
promote the cultural and literary presence of Walt Whitman, re-reading
and re-writing him for the current age;
understand Whitman’s significance in Europe’s literary,
political, and cultural heritage, as well as Europe’s influence
on Whitman’s life and writings;
promote the teaching of Whitman’s works, especially in their
intercultural contexts;
create a network of collaboration and exchange among teachers and
students of Whitman, both within Europe and across the Atlantic;
cooperate with, and support, the work of The Walt Whitman Archive
and of The Walt Whitman Quarterly Review in making Whitman’s
writings, as well as writings about them, available to a broadening
international audience;
endorse and enable the work of Whitman’s translators;
explore and foster the intersections between Whitman’s writings
and other forms of cultural, social, and political expression.
February, 2007
Paris, France